Sunday, November 27, 2005

latest news for november

Scott is settling down on the Plot and is enjoying digging. It has been a tough two months for him since he left the prison but he is making headway. Please continue to pray for him, Allison, Lewis and Lauren.
We are hoping to be successful with various grant applications to enable us to employ a full-time manager so we can begin to fulfil some of our long-term aims. We hope to have a Rogation ceremony next Spring, a traditional way of blessing the crops.

Marion and her team are having some good times at the drop-in. Hope Centre is beginning to be known as a place where love and concern is on the menu. At the moment the Centre is open on Tues. Wed and Thursday afternoons. The next service will be on Sunday December 11th at 6p.m. and there will be a christmas dinner on December 22nd 6p.m.

The picture shows a prayer meeting at Hope Centre. We are determined to undergird everything we do with prayer

We had a very enjoyable annual supporters' day at Woodlands Church. We heard various reports on the past year including a financial run-down from Drew and an outline given by Marion of some of the people who use Hope Centre. We spent a lot of time in praise and worship. Philip talked about the importance of names, tracing the importance of individuals receiving their God-given names through what we do.
We give thanks to God for all that he has done through RBW in the past three years

Picture shows Marise Robinson enjoying lunch with Andy Moore. Nicola Woosnam is behind.